Saturday 29 September 2012

New blog banner Nappa x SuperPumpMAX

Continuing from my recent Nappa x Gotham banner for the Geek blog, I made another Nappa inspired theme for the Fit blog.

So to begin I downloaded 3 images from google.  I wanted to portray Nappa's intensity as the theme of the banner (fitting for a workout/exercise blog).

So after clearing out the backgrounds for each picture with photoshop, I exported the images to illustrator.  For the Tien and Piccolo pictures I had to add in some solid lines in order for illustrator to recognize the lines in live trace.  Ie.  Tien's cut off arm is too faint because of the wavy light lines coming out.  And Piccolo's picture was too faded, so I magic wand'd the outline of Piccolo and used stroke at 1px outside.  Then I used pen & brush tools for other outlines.

Nappa's picture required no extra editing for live trace and it turned out well since he's so jacked in the pic.

I also had the notion to replace the crushed rock in Nappa's hand in the pic with Gaspari SuperPumpMAX (one of the most popular supplements for bodybuilders).  So just downloaded a pic and live traced it.

After adding in live color to Tien and Piccolo, I exported back to photoshop.

After splicing all the images together, I duplicated the Tien and Piccolo parts twice more (so 3 layers each).  One layer was put through brush stroke filter.  The other layer was liquified to have that distorted effect--then I set the opacity to 50%.

After rearranging the layers to my liking and adding text titles, here's the final results.

Let me know your thoughts!

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