Monday 17 September 2012

Transformers TV Series Review

I officially became a proud member of the illustrious "those who have watched all the original Transformers cartoon episodes" club very recently and I figure I'll share a brief review to get this blog rolling...

CAUTION: Spoiler alert

I began watching this series with the preconception that it was going to be a wondrous and titillating phenomenon that future generations would surely regret missing upon.  After watching it, I still believe today's fans of Michael (*Boom sfx) Bay's version should watch the originals for themselves in order to gain an appreciation for the epicness that began it all.

You should be warned that there are 4 seasons, 98 eps, and each ~24 min long.  Also, you'll need to have watched Transformers the movie  before the 4th season.  Nobody told me this and I was stuck in Jackie Chan face through the first couple of eps, mainly because *spoiler* Optimus DIED!

I won't ruin it more than that in providing synopsis (plenty of wiki/imdb sources for that).  Here's my general review:

Animation: 7/10
Wasn't as good as other cartoons around that time (GI Joe, Thundercats, He-Man), but if I was an animation artist forced to constantly draw with a ruler (because robots are kinda blocky) then I'd shirk on some of the details as well.

The animation/details certainly gets better as the series progresses so look forward to that.

Music/Sfx: 7/10
The music throughout the series is just like any series.  You have your theme songs, character themes, and mood themes (ie: fighting, mystery).  Right off the bat I'll say that I used to only know the chorus line to the Transformers theme song, as in "Transformers, More than meets the eye, Transformers, Robots In Disguise".

The only real gripe I had was with the special effects.  Especially in the first couple of seasons, you'll hear a lot of familiar Star Wars fx, such as lightsaber battles, tie fighters, even C3P0's cry in Empire Strikes Back.

I will say that I loved Stan Bush's "You've Got the Touch" which was the feature song for the movie.

I honestly jam to this song when at the gym and make believe I'm Optimus Prime working out.

Characters: 9/10
There's so many cool characters in this series that'll evoke the emotional gamut from repetitive/boring-to-inspiring-to-badass.

Some brief thoughts on the characters:

  • Optimus can do no wrong.  A masterful and inspiring leader.  "Autobots! Transform and roll out!"
  • Megatron lacks resolve.  Quick to give up, and talks up to everyone but the insubordinate Starscream.
  • Bumblebee was Spike Witwicky's taxicab basically.
  • Soundwave has a ridiculous amount of bots inside him.  Simply the most annoying bot in the series because Laserbeak and Ravage are so annoying.  But without Soundwave the Deceptions would've been fucked.
  • Starscream was not a warrior, but a huge pansy.  Combine his shreaky voice and cowardice and I'm confused as to how he was ever a popular bot.  Maybe people liked him because he was the only Decepticon who had the gall to bitch at Megatron, but would get handled like a bitch.
  • Grimlock and the Dinobots were hilarious.  Grimlock is such a lovable retard.
  • Sam Witwicky, not as annoying as Shia Labeouf. 
  • Too many combinations/giants!  Too bad Michael Bay had to piss all over the constructicon combination of Devestator 


Storyline: 10/10
As I said from the beginning, it's a long series, but the storyline is the best part of this series.  There are some lemons along the way, but for the most part the episodes had you rooting for whomever was being featured.  I especially liked "The Girl who loved Powerglide"

I will say that I was personally dissatisfied with the way the series ended, but luckily the Japanese took care of that (you'll see).

Overall: 33/40
Definitely some worthwhile time spent.  And I hope that those who only know the Bay version of the TF universe go and watch the originals in order to supplement their appreciation even further.

Well there you have it, Transformers in a nutshell.

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