Friday 28 September 2012

Review of Pokemon Indigo (Season 1) TV

Stemming from a recent resurgence of Pokemon affliction, I re-watched the entire first season of the Pokemon TV series.  The very first episode was like a tsunami of nostalgia as soon as the opening theme song hit my ears.  I wish the newer generation of Pokemon fans would take the time to watch season 1.  The gameboy games, trading cards, and show were all a part of a Poke culture for many of us, young and old alike.  When YTV use to be good, kids got a daily blast of anime in DBZ, Gundam Wing, Sailor Moon, and of course Pokemon.  Pokemon was clearly the most popular because kids got to interact with the different characters in a sense, such as playing the game more or battling cards with friends or siblings.  But I'm here to discuss the TV series and not of the cultural impact Pokemon had, so here goes.

Animation 8/10
This show had very classic elements of popular Japanese anime.  Loose artwork without excessive details works well with a kids animated show.  But the flow of sequences and the battle scenes give older kids/teenagers something worth watching.  Though the animation isn't as fast paced and detailed as the other popular animes at that time, you could be sure that there was rarely, if ever, any rehashing of scenes, which would seem imposible since Pikachu's electric attacks every episode is a bit repetitive. Nor did the artists take the lazy route in drawing "fast streaks" (ie: DBZ characters moving faster than the eye can see).  Furthermore, the pokemon attacks are well animated and not glazed over as one would expect from a children's show.  Be sure to watch Ash's battle vs fire gym leader Blaine, probably the best battle of the season.

Music 7/10
Let's be honest, Pokemon is more of a visual experience.  All it needs is catchy theme music for whatever the mood.  You have casual walk through the forest, battling, mystery, sad, and even Team Rocket music.  That being said, the music does well to pull the audience in and put them in the mood to keep watching.  Watch the opening theme again and be hooked.

Characters 8/10
All of the characters/pokemon are unique, colorful, and interesting in their own ways.  There's quite a bit of humor mixed into each character as well, especially Brock.  The reason why I give an 8/10 is because Ash at times can be the worst protagonist ever, and Jesse and James bog down the episodes with their pointless motto (it's a cool motto and all, but every episode?!).   And to illuminate further on my Ash hate, the kid is simply brain dead at times.  Sending in pokemon with the type disadvantage, but somehow pulling wins out of his ass.  He didn't catch nearly enough pokemon to be considered a master anything.  I would have much rather watched a series following Gary Oak.  At least you knew he was a capable trainer who captured and trained a huge variety of pokemon.  But alas, this is a kid's show so they can't make Ash too cool or there'd be no room for character development.

Finally, Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny are indeed hotties.  And it's a funny gag to have Brock fall in love in every city.  Though on a weird note, the Jenny from Cerulean city stated she was the sister-in-law to the one in Viridian.  So that means Cerulean Jenny's brother married their cousin from Viridian.  Japan right?

Storyline 8/10
There's not many ways you can go wrong with a story based on capturing, raising, and battling wild creatures with special powers against other trainers and gym leaders.  The story does lose points however for including too much filler material, especially in the lead-up to the Indigo League.  For reference, the first season was over 83 episodes long, while the second season (Orange Islands) was about 50 episodes.

And like any series there must be an antagonist, played by Team Rocket's Jesse, James, and Meowth.  Unfortunately, these baddies are portrayed as epic clowns.  How boss Giovanni tolerates their failures is beyond comprehension.  To be more accurate, Team Rocket is there for some slapstick comedy and as fodder for Ash and company to unleash their pokemon on.  But seriously, how many times is enough for Pikachu blowing them away with thunder attacks?  You can simply fast forward through the episode once "Prepare for trouble" is announced (more like "prepare for boredom"), because it will always end in predictable fashion.  Kid's show, I know.

The end to Ash's league run was very disappointing.  The show did well to keep Gary's pokemon under wraps until the end of the season, but we never got the anticipated grudge match between Pallet town's best trainers.  Instead, we get to see Ash lose to his lesser clone Ritchie and his ultra mediocre team.  Only two other 1st generation pokemon have been confirmed on his team, spearow and tentacool....We're suppose to believe that Ritchie made it all the way to the 5th round of the league without losing one round?

To sum up the show's story, like the game it leaves us unsatisfied and wanting more.
Which one of us sucks more?
Overall: 31/40
Not as epic as I remembered.  Like all things, it's less satisfying after the first time (especially if the first time was as a kid).

If you're like me and can't find the actual DVD's (or don't have the money), download it with your fav torrent client here:

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